Using displaced tracks to seek new physics in the ATLAS detector

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The Standard Model of particle physics is a powerful theory of nature, yet it does not account for all physical observations. Notably, the nonzero masses of the three neutrino flavours and their transformations into one another suggest the need for an extension of the Standard Model. One such extension postulates the existence of Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNLs, N ) — right-handed neutrino states that do not interact with other particles except through mixing with Standard Model neutrinos. HNLs may generate light neutrino masses through the so-called “seesaw mechanism.”

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Hennings 309
PhD student:Robin Newhouse
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2022-08-22T13:30:00 Event End: 2022-08-22T16:00:00 Using displaced tracks to seek new physics in the ATLAS detector Event Information: The Standard Model of particle physics is a powerful theory of nature, yet it does not account for all physical observations. Notably, the nonzero masses of the three neutrino flavours and their transformations into one another suggest the need for an extension of the Standard Model. One such extension postulates the existence of Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNLs, N ) — right-handed neutrino states that do not interact with other particles except through mixing with Standard Model neutrinos. HNLs may generate light neutrino masses through the so-called “seesaw mechanism.”   Event Location: Hennings 309

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