Quantum Information in Electromagnetism and Gravity

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The electromagnetic and gravitational fields transfer information between physical systems. This work is an attempt to better understand how matter systems communicate quantum information with one another using these fields, and also how quantum information about matter is broadcast into the fields themselves. We study the former process in Part I and the latter in Part II, by answering two distinct but related questions.


Event Location:
https://ubc.zoom.us/j/67592194700?pwd=NHdUb1pqQ08wZUNwQ3dsQjB5blZ6UT09 Passcode: 695934
PhD Student, Colby Delisle
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2022-07-08T15:00:00 Event End: 2022-07-08T17:00:00 Quantum Information in Electromagnetism and Gravity Event Information: The electromagnetic and gravitational fields transfer information between physical systems. This work is an attempt to better understand how matter systems communicate quantum information with one another using these fields, and also how quantum information about matter is broadcast into the fields themselves. We study the former process in Part I and the latter in Part II, by answering two distinct but related questions.   Event Location: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/67592194700?pwd=NHdUb1pqQ08wZUNwQ3dsQjB5blZ6UT09 Passcode: 695934

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/quantum-information-electromagnetism-and-gravity