PhD defense Graham Baker

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Electrical conduction becomes non-local when an inhomogeneous electronic distribution is induced with spatial variation shorter than the mean free path (MFP) between momentum-relaxing electronic scattering processes. Two important methods of inducing such a distribution are via the size and skin effects. In the size effect, one or more dimensions of a medium are reduced below the MFP.

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BRIM 311
Graham Baker(PhD student)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2022-06-10T14:00:00 Event End: 2022-06-10T16:30:00 PhD defense Graham Baker Event Information: Electrical conduction becomes non-local when an inhomogeneous electronic distribution is induced with spatial variation shorter than the mean free path (MFP) between momentum-relaxing electronic scattering processes. Two important methods of inducing such a distribution are via the size and skin effects. In the size effect, one or more dimensions of a medium are reduced below the MFP. Event Location: BRIM 311

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