Shanti Deemyad: Physics of Light Dense Matter: Quantum and Classical Effects in Dense lithium

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Restricting the volume of a material, through application of pressure, changes the dominance of interactions within the material, and exposes unnatural states of matter not found in our predominantly adiabatic universe.  One of the most exotic phenomena in condensed matter is the phase transitions purely driven by quantum effects. While quantum fluctuations in electronic states are always relevant, it is also possible to observe quantum effects in lattice of very light elements. At ambient conditions, the lightest metal of the periodic system is lithium.

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Meeting ID: 668 7999 5529
Passcode: 113399
Prof. Shanti Deemyad, University of Utah
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2021-10-28T10:00:00 Event End: 2021-10-28T11:00:00 Shanti Deemyad: Physics of Light Dense Matter: Quantum and Classical Effects in Dense lithium Event Information: Restricting the volume of a material, through application of pressure, changes the dominance of interactions within the material, and exposes unnatural states of matter not found in our predominantly adiabatic universe.  One of the most exotic phenomena in condensed matter is the phase transitions purely driven by quantum effects. While quantum fluctuations in electronic states are always relevant, it is also possible to observe quantum effects in lattice of very light elements. At ambient conditions, the lightest metal of the periodic system is lithium. Event Location: Meeting ID: 668 7999 5529 Passcode: 113399

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