Mega-Constellations and Astronomers: Updates on SATCON2 and IAU Dark and Quiet Skies

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The rapid development of low Earth orbit (LEO) is being done without due regard for the long-term preservation of LEO or humanity's connection with the cosmos. In particular, large constellations of satellites, i.e., so-called mega-constellations or satcons, have the potential to severely interfere with the use and exploration of space by numerous other actors. This includes interference with astronomy and stargazing through light and spectrum pollution. Satcon development also might have non-trivial environmental impacts on Earth's atmosphere.

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Aaron Boley (UBC)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2021-09-13T15:00:00 Event End: 2021-09-13T16:00:00 Mega-Constellations and Astronomers: Updates on SATCON2 and IAU Dark and Quiet Skies Event Information: The rapid development of low Earth orbit (LEO) is being done without due regard for the long-term preservation of LEO or humanity's connection with the cosmos. In particular, large constellations of satellites, i.e., so-called mega-constellations or satcons, have the potential to severely interfere with the use and exploration of space by numerous other actors. This includes interference with astronomy and stargazing through light and spectrum pollution. Satcon development also might have non-trivial environmental impacts on Earth's atmosphere. Event Location: Connect via zoom

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