Reducing Errors in Derived Planetary Radii Caused by Undetected Stellar Companions via Adaptive Optics

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The calculated planet radii for TESS Objects of Interest (TOIs) presume that the stellar flux collected is only coming from known stars. However, any undetected stellar companions will provide additional flux and result in the transit depth being underestimated, leading to the planet radius also being underestimated. Radial velocity follow-up can identify companion stars on short orbits, and high-resolution imaging can identify companion stars with sufficient angular separations.

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Mike Lund (Caltech-IPAC/NExScI)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2021-05-03T15:00:00 Event End: 2021-05-03T16:00:00 Reducing Errors in Derived Planetary Radii Caused by Undetected Stellar Companions via Adaptive Optics Event Information: The calculated planet radii for TESS Objects of Interest (TOIs) presume that the stellar flux collected is only coming from known stars. However, any undetected stellar companions will provide additional flux and result in the transit depth being underestimated, leading to the planet radius also being underestimated. Radial velocity follow-up can identify companion stars on short orbits, and high-resolution imaging can identify companion stars with sufficient angular separations. Event Location: Connect via zoom

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