Sub-leading Soft Photons and Gravitons

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Soft factorization has been shown to hold to sub-leading order in QED and to sub-sub-leading order in perturbative quantum gravity, with various loop and non-universal corrections that can be found. In a recent paper, we show that all terms factorizing at tree level can be uniquely identified as boundary terms that exist already in the classical expressions for the electric current and stress tensor of a point particle.

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Colby DeLisle (UBC)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2021-03-31T11:00:00 Event End: 2021-03-31T12:00:00 Sub-leading Soft Photons and Gravitons Event Information: Soft factorization has been shown to hold to sub-leading order in QED and to sub-sub-leading order in perturbative quantum gravity, with various loop and non-universal corrections that can be found. In a recent paper, we show that all terms factorizing at tree level can be uniquely identified as boundary terms that exist already in the classical expressions for the electric current and stress tensor of a point particle. Event Location: Connect via Zoom

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