Monopolar and dipolar relaxation in classical spin ice

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The quantum spin liquid is a hypothesized state characterized by macroscopic entanglement and fractionalized quasiparticles. While the physical realization of long-range entanglement of spins remains elusive, the phenomenon of spin fractionalization has been exemplified by magnetic monopoles in classical spin ice.

Event Location: Passcode: 428347
Yishu Wang
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2021-01-27T12:00:00 Event End: 2021-01-27T13:00:00 Monopolar and dipolar relaxation in classical spin ice Event Information: The quantum spin liquid is a hypothesized state characterized by macroscopic entanglement and fractionalized quasiparticles. While the physical realization of long-range entanglement of spins remains elusive, the phenomenon of spin fractionalization has been exemplified by magnetic monopoles in classical spin ice. Event Location: Passcode: 428347

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