Baryonic effects on cosmological large scale structure

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Upcoming measurements of large-scale clustering in the universe promise to provide new insights into cosmology and fundamental physics, but a variety of modelling and analysis challenges must be addressed if this promise is to be fully realized. In this talk, I will discuss one such challenge: the modelling uncertainty associated with so-called "baryonic effects," specifically the influence of gas dynamics and feedback from active galactic nuclei on the large-scale distribution of matter.

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Simon Foreman (Perimeter)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2020-11-23T15:00:00 Event End: 2020-11-23T16:00:00 Baryonic effects on cosmological large scale structure Event Information: Upcoming measurements of large-scale clustering in the universe promise to provide new insights into cosmology and fundamental physics, but a variety of modelling and analysis challenges must be addressed if this promise is to be fully realized. In this talk, I will discuss one such challenge: the modelling uncertainty associated with so-called "baryonic effects," specifically the influence of gas dynamics and feedback from active galactic nuclei on the large-scale distribution of matter. Event Location: Connect via zoom

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