Weak lensing, baryons, and deep learning

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Baryonic processes that alter the large-scale distribution of gas, and thus the matter power spectrum, such as AGN feedback, are one of the the main systematics in current and future weak lensing surveys. Left uncorrected, these effects will bias the inferred properties of dark matter and dark energy that these surveys are designed to measure. Characterising the distribution of gas is thus of vital importance if these surveys are to be exploited to their full potential.

Event Location:
Hennings 318
Tilman Troester (Edinburgh)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-09-30T15:00:00 Event End: 2019-09-30T16:00:00 Weak lensing, baryons, and deep learning Event Information: Baryonic processes that alter the large-scale distribution of gas, and thus the matter power spectrum, such as AGN feedback, are one of the the main systematics in current and future weak lensing surveys. Left uncorrected, these effects will bias the inferred properties of dark matter and dark energy that these surveys are designed to measure. Characterising the distribution of gas is thus of vital importance if these surveys are to be exploited to their full potential. Event Location: Hennings 318

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/weak-lensing-baryons-and-deep-learning