Contemporary particle physics with ultracold neutrons at TRIUMF

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In this presentation I will introduce the new ultracold neutron (UCN) facility which has been commissioned at TRIUMF on South UBC campus in 2017. UCN are free neutrons which move at very low speeds, thus they behave like a gas and can be stored and observed for macroscopic periods of time (order ~100s).

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Henning 318
Beatrice Franke
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-07-03T10:30:00 Event End: 2019-07-03T12:00:00 Contemporary particle physics with ultracold neutrons at TRIUMF Event Information: In this presentation I will introduce the new ultracold neutron (UCN) facility which has been commissioned at TRIUMF on South UBC campus in 2017. UCN are free neutrons which move at very low speeds, thus they behave like a gas and can be stored and observed for macroscopic periods of time (order ~100s). Event Location: Henning 318

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