The Physics Course Laboratory Report as a Rhetorical Act

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The field of science education has paid considerable attention to what students should write in their lab reports, but comparatively little attention has been given the laboratory report writing as a rhetorical activity—one in which writers attempt to communicate with a particular audience for a specific purpose. This is unfortunate, since labs remain students’ primary experience with scientific writing in the undergraduate science curriculum—especially in mathematically-heavy fields such as physics.

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Hennings 318
Cary Moskovitz, Director, Writing in the Disciplines, Thompson Writing Program, Duke University
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-05-16T10:00:00 Event End: 2019-05-16T11:30:00 The Physics Course Laboratory Report as a Rhetorical Act Event Information: The field of science education has paid considerable attention to what students should write in their lab reports, but comparatively little attention has been given the laboratory report writing as a rhetorical activity—one in which writers attempt to communicate with a particular audience for a specific purpose. This is unfortunate, since labs remain students’ primary experience with scientific writing in the undergraduate science curriculum—especially in mathematically-heavy fields such as physics. Event Location: Hennings 318

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