Magnetotransport in topological metals

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Topological metals continue to attract attention as novel gapless states of matter. 
While there by now exists an exhaustive classification of possible topologically nontrivial metallic states, 
their observable properties, that follow from the electronic structure topology, are less well understood. 
In this talk I will present my recent work on magnetotransport phenomena in topological metals, which may be related to the 
chiral anomaly. I will demonstrate that the chiral anomaly leads to strong anisotropic magnetoresistance in such materials, 

Event Location:
Room 309
Prof. Anton Burkov (University of Waterloo)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-04-16T12:00:00 Event End: 2019-04-16T13:00:00 Magnetotransport in topological metals Event Information: Topological metals continue to attract attention as novel gapless states of matter.  While there by now exists an exhaustive classification of possible topologically nontrivial metallic states,  their observable properties, that follow from the electronic structure topology, are less well understood.  In this talk I will present my recent work on magnetotransport phenomena in topological metals, which may be related to the  chiral anomaly. I will demonstrate that the chiral anomaly leads to strong anisotropic magnetoresistance in such materials,  Event Location: Room 309

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