Human Habitation of Space (Outer Space Institute)

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Event Information:

The Outer Space Institute (OSI) will host a free moderated public forum at UBC to discuss the medical challenges of human habitation in space. The talk will feature NASA astronaut Dr. Serena Auñón-Chancellor (recently returned to Earth from the ISS) and radiation physicist Dr. Jeffrey Chancellor.

Event Location:
Earth Sciences Building room 1013 (2207 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4)
NASA astronaut Dr. Serena Auñón-Chancellor (recently returned to Earth from the ISS) and radiation physicist Dr. Jeffrey Chancellor
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-03-13T19:00:00 Event End: 2019-03-13T20:30:00 Human Habitation of Space (Outer Space Institute) Event Information: The Outer Space Institute (OSI) will host a free moderated public forum at UBC to discuss the medical challenges of human habitation in space. The talk will feature NASA astronaut Dr. Serena Auñón-Chancellor (recently returned to Earth from the ISS) and radiation physicist Dr. Jeffrey Chancellor. Event Location: Earth Sciences Building room 1013 (2207 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4)

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