Ab Initio Approaches to Correlations in Nuclei and their Applications

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Correlations - intended as multiple-nucleon mechanisms that cannot be modelled by a pure mean-field potential - are the backbone of our deeper understanding of atomic nuclei. They are manifest in the fragmentation of the spectral strength which is encountered in one-nucleon addition and removal measurements.

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TRIUMF Auditorium
Carlo Barbieri (Surrey U)
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Add to Calendar Event Start: 2019-02-28T14:00:00 Event End: 2019-02-28T15:00:00 Ab Initio Approaches to Correlations in Nuclei and their Applications Event Information: Correlations - intended as multiple-nucleon mechanisms that cannot be modelled by a pure mean-field potential - are the backbone of our deeper understanding of atomic nuclei. They are manifest in the fragmentation of the spectral strength which is encountered in one-nucleon addition and removal measurements. Event Location: TRIUMF Auditorium

Source URL: https://phas.ubc.ca/ab-initio-approaches-correlations-nuclei-and-their-applications