Novel Telescopes for 21 cm Cosmology: Program

Topic Speaker
Monday 13 June - Science enabled by 21 cm data
Introduction to cosmology, open questions Scott Dodelson
Models of reionization Adam Lidz
Galactic emission mechanisms - diffuse Bryan Gaensler
Galactic emission mechanisms - compact Roland Kothes
Pulsar science Ingrid Stairs
Interferometry and 21 cm anisotropy Miguel Morales
Classical radio techniques Sean Dougherty
Antennas for radio astronomers Tom Landecker
Tuesday 14 June - Foregrounds and observables
Introduction to BAO / models of dark energy Kris Sigurdson
Overview of 21 cm anisotropy Judd Bowman
Telescope concepts for very large arrays John Bunton
Real-time calibration - I Ue-Li Pen
Real-time calibration - II Steve Ord / Randall Wayth
RFI and other constraints Frank Briggs
The EVLA digital correlator Brent Carlson
Wednesday 15 June - Experiments and analysis
Limitations from foreground confusion and imaging algorithms Udaya Shankar Narayana Rao
Lessons learned from cylinders Jeff Peterson
LOFAR André Offringa
CHIME - Design and early tests Mark Halpern
CHIME - Tuning a cylinder to BAO Matt Dobbs
MWA Steven Tingay
Molonglo Duncan Campbell-Wilson
LEDA Lincoln Greenhill
Pulsar data analysis Aaron Berndsen
Point source analysis Gianni Bernardi
Diffuse galactic emission Gary Hinshaw
Thursday 16 June - Analysis and future opportunities
Pipeline elements Jon Sievers
BAO data analysis Ue-Li Pen
MWA Data Analysis Chris WIlliams
EOR data analysis Miguel Morales
Future instrumentation opportunities, moderated by Bryan Gaensler
Simulate your instrument-eventually. Greenhill
Software can not fix all design errors Willis
A zero-lag Interferometer Subrahmayan
Cylinders are wonderful! Pen
Understand the ionosphere. Lonsdale
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