Various policies, ASTR 310

Policies, ASTR 310

Course web page

Academic Concession Forms

Should be provided to Professor Gladman in the first two weeks of term.

Tutorial absence

If a student is unable to make their scheduled tutorial slot, they must email their Lead TA (see course web page for the email addresses) AT LEAST 24 hours in advance and request to attend another tutorial session. For Friday tutorials this may not be possible if the Friday TA is not alerted by early Wednesday morning. Make-up tutorials do not exist. An unexcused absence will result in a grade of zero for that Tutorial.

Homework late penalties

Each Homework assignment will contain specified late penalties. Application in advance to the professor to turn in homework late will be considered on a case by case basis, based on the considerations for Academic Concession related to Conflicting Reponsibilities or Unforeseen Events. Instructors are not required to make allowance for any missed test or incomplete work that is not satisfactorily accounted for.

Midterm absence

There are no written makeup midterms. Academic concession related to Conflicting Reponsibilities or Unforeseen Events for a missed midterm exam will be considered on a case by case basis. Students MUST REQUEST academic concession in writing and provide supporting materials. If concession is granted, then the student may choose:
(1) the value of the midterm exam will be added onto the of the final examination.
(2) An oral midterm examination of 50 minute duration will be administered by the professor at a time mutually agreed upon.

Final examination absence

The university has well-established mechanisms for students who do not write the final examination. Such requests for academic concession are done through the student's home faculty's advising office. If the concession is granted then the student usually requests (via the university procedures) to write the exam the following semester.
Course web page