- B.Sc., Ph.D., McMaster (83, 89)
- Postdoct., UBC (89-92)
- Research Assoc., UBC (92-94)
- CIAR Assoc. (High Tc Supercond.)
- A.P. Sloan Found. Fellow (96-98)
- CAP Herzberg Medal (97)
- Steacie Fellowship (1999-2001)
- UBC Killam Research Prize (2000)
- BC Science and Technology Award (2000)
- office: Hennings 405, tel. (604) 822-3816
- lab: AMPEL 243, tel. (604) 822-1997
- FAX: (604) 822-5324
- E-mail:bonn@physics.ubc.ca
- snail-mail:
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
Univ. of British Columbia
6224 Agricultural Rd.
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1